Welcome to a Happier school community!

Happy is an innovative, fully bilingual program that systematically develops research-based happiness practices through real-life experiences for all members of the educational community.

Can we learn to be Happy?

Happy by Amco

Our program features...

20+ Years Research | CASEL-Aligned Standards | Fully Bilingual Curriculum | Easy Implementation | Connection with Parents

Amco is a wholistic educational system that, for over 20 years, has brought innovation to more than 1,400 schools from around the world in fifteen countries. We make teacher’s work easier while guaranteeing meaningful and enduring learning. Amco developed the Happy Program based on decades of experience, to provide children and their families with the best structured system to strengthen their emotional and physical well-being by leveraging evidence-based strategies from the science of happiness.

55,000 Students are currently
enrolled in the program
3 Languages: English, Spanish and Portuguese
1,900 Sessions in the entire program
13 Countries and counting
300 Animated stories
100 Stretching videos
1,500 Meditation videos


  • Mallika Chopra

    Mallika is an entrepreneur, writer, meditation teacher, and CEO of Intent.com, Intent Blog, and Chopra Global.

    She thinks it is critical to teach children about social and emotional well-being.

    She has helped improve the health and happiness of thousands of children, youth, and adults through meditation!

    “I am so impressed with Happy…it’s one of the most impressive programs for children I have seen in the world.”

Bonita Learning Academy, San Diego, California. Ana Castaños, Principal.

Our school has been working with the Happy program for over two years. Students and teachers love the activities, specially the stretching videos. Happy has helped my students grow empathy towards each other and the environment.

Colegio Loyola de Chapala, Jalisco, Mexico. Laura Estrada, Assistant Principal.

The Happy program is the perfect tool to help each of our students recognize, understand, and manage their emotions. Valuing emotional development alongside academic growth supports our school’s goal of educating the whole child.

Colegio Dehca, Mexico City, Mexico. Yunuen Jimenez, Academic Coordinator.

Before Happy we were shooting in the dark. With Happy we found the way, we know where we’re going and it’s so easy to follow! Teachers, students and parents are in love with the Happy program.

We are what we repeatedly do.
Happiness is not an act, but a habit.

  • Core Program Strategies

  • The Happy program works with nine emotional attributes to develop students’ socio-emotional skills and wellbeing.

    Mindfulness: live in the present moment without resistance

    Self-Control: learn emotional control

    Self-Motivation: develop willpower and a drive to do hard things

    Self-Care: learn to prioritize caring for oneself, physically and mentally

    Growth Mindset: understand that you can always learn more

    Gratitude: appreciate and be thankful for people, things, and experiences

    Empathy: recognize oneself in others, in everything

    Meaningful Relationships: build community and strong connections

    Giving: give and share without expecting anything in return


    Students are encouraged to write or draw about their feelings while listening to relaxing music. This guarantees children have time for mindful reflection and building a deeper understanding of themselves each session.

  • Storytelling

    The program includes hundreds of fully animated stories to illustrate emotional skills. In each one, students learn to identify the problem, recognize different emotions, reflect on the message, and determine the moral.

  • Meditation

    Student-friendly meditations help children develop mindfulness and self-awareness. These practices reinforce emotional attributes, combining breathing exercises and techniques such as visualizations and affirmations.

  • Stretching exercises

    These fun, relaxing, breath-to-movement exercises are taught by experts and designed to reinforce each attribute, helping students to feel more relaxed, focused, and energized.

Grade Levels

Happy offers a complete curriculum for each grade level starting in Kindergarten through 9th grade in English and in Spanish.

Preschool and Kindergarten

The research is clear: students must start laying the foundation for happiness and wellbeing as early in their lives as possible. For this reason, our youngest learners work with four attributes, or socio-emotional skills, throughout the year: Mindfulness, Self-Control, Self-Care, and Meaningful Relationships.

1st - 6th Grade

For success in elementary school and beyond, students must enhance their abilities to understand and manage emotions, show empathy and respect for others, make and maintain healthy relationships, and make responsible decisions. For this reason, Happy’s focuses on these emotional attributes: Mindfulness, Self-Control, Self-Motivation, Self-Care, Growth Mindset, Gratitude, Empathy, Meaningful Relationships and Giving.

7th-9th Grade

The early teenage years are a particularly important time in a child’s development, and it is critical to concretize and enhance social and emotional competencies during this stage. Students experience many developmental changes during this period and begin to encounter bigger challenges. For this reason, Happy’s 7th-9th Grade curriculum is based on familiar scenarios adapted to real-life student experiences, with an academic and visual design specially created for their age level.
  • Happy@home

    Parents can access the Happy program from home to practice with their children, find tips for navigating difficult daily situations mindfully, and discover guided resources that will help them resolve conflicts more effectively, leading to a happier and healthier home environment.

    Our vision is to increase joy, mindfulness, and overall wellness in students, their families and their communities.

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